Some thoughts and discussions from me.

This week I started working with a brand new group of 20+ women in my June Lean Body training & nutrition boot camp.

Being that our program started this week, and goes through July, there are several ladies who will be vacationing during the 6 weeks. Naturally – it’s summer!

While most would ideally want to go through the 6 weeks with everything in their favor in order to stay on track, I actually prefer for my clients to have a trip or vacation scheduled during the program.

In our real, every day lives, our days won’t go perfectly planned. Trips happen. Visitors happen. LIFE happens.

I’d rather my clients have to deal with these events while I’m here to help coach them through, than have a perfect 6 weeks, and not know what to do during their next vacation when the program is over.

This is why I also give all of my LBB clients my own Healthy Travel Guide with different strategies they can follow while away. But today, I want to share three heavy hitter tips I share with my clients for staying on track while traveling.

3 Tips to Stay on Track while Traveling

1. Realize that it’s doable.

As I’ve said once or twice (or 10 times 🙂 ) here and there….mindset is ev-er-y-thing. Straight off the bat, take yourself out of that victim mindset.

You CAN make positive choices while traveling. No one is forcing you to do so, but you’re able to choose to do so.

It’s also important to realize that it is, entirely possible. You can find protein + veggies nearly everywhere – even at gas stations.

2. Ditch the menu.

I tell my clients who are wanting to stay on plan while eating out to forgo the menu entirely. No matter where you go, you can order chicken, fish, or steak and some sort of veggies. Add rice or a baked potato or sweet potato if you need a carb.

If you go into a restaurant already knowing what you’re going to eat, opening the menu will only tempt you to go for some sort of special or concoction that’s literally written to make you crave it.

3. Ditch the “it’s vacation!” mindset.

This is a big one. It’s the one that says you’re taking a load off, enjoying yourself, and deserve the break you’re taking, so you also deserve a week to eat whatever, whenever.

And hey – that is totally fine — as long as you’re not also placing a very high priority on your nutrition and physique goals, as these are not in alignment.

If your goal is to adhere to plan – or at least a variation of your plan – then instead of rewarding yourself because you deserve it with food and drink, make the choice to reward yourself with that much-needed relaxation, or time with loved ones, instead.

Now — there’s something to be said for taking the middle road, too. For this, it simply comes to choosing your indulgences wisely. If you’re in San Diego, at a Mexican restaurants with the best tacos in the US — and tacos are YOUR thing — then choose to indulge here, but then maybe make a more goal-aligning choice the next morning when it’s time to choose either pancakes or a veggie omelet.

Best wishes, and safe travels! XO