Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Raise your hand if, after getting a nutrition plan to follow, you immediately feel anxious, hungry, rebellious, or basically any other emotion that makes you NOT follow said nutrition plan?

You’re not alone if your hand crept up into the air. I’ve seen it happen a number of times with clients, and even experienced it myself years ago.

And while there could be a number of reasons causing it, I’ve come to find out that there’s two most common reasons for this way of thinking.

2 Common Reasons You’re Not Sticking with Your Nutrition Plan


Reason #1. The Victim-Mindset

You know..

“I have to follow this diet…”

“Well, I can’t eat XYZ….”


“No alcohol for me…I can’t because my plan says I can’t…”

This way of thinking lends to a victim mindset, and acts as if, instead of choosing to make some smart nutritional changes to reach your health and fitness goals, that it’s being forced upon you, and you had no say in it at all.

The reality is, you can go back to the way you were eating before any second of any day. No one is physically forcing you to change.

You decided to make these changes to reach X goal. You’re choosing to make these changes day after day.

When we put the power back into our own hands, it makes it that much more silly to complain and get mad about it. We are willingly making these changes, after all.

In my Lean Body training & nutrition boot camp and group programs, we put practices into place to negate the victim mindset, such as what to do after a “slip up,” customization to your personal preferences and needs, and strategies for social situations and events.

Some ways to switch from victim to in-control

Change your language. 

Instead of saying “I can’t eat that cake, because it doesn’t fit my macros today,” say, “I’m choosing to pass on the cake, and instead choose an option that’s a bit lower in fat and will keep me on target toward my goals.”

Reason #2: You’re Not Eating What You Like

Eat foods you enjoy. It’s as simple as that.

Whether I’m trying to lose fat, maintain, or gain muscle, there are tasty foods and meals that I can incorporate in my diet at any time.

Also, the #1 reason I like flexible dieting is because it places literally nothing off limits. So if you’ve got a huge hankering for some Cheetos, portion it out, eat a serving or two of Cheetos, and fit it into your macros. Done and done. No drama necessary.


Truth be told, I eat one of two options for breakfast every day of the week. It’s not boring or redundant because it tastes good, and I enjoy it. Once it does become boring, I move on to trying a new combination or recipe that fits my plan. Same with lunch.

Dinner is where I get creative and vary it up, but dinner is also where I have the most flexibility most days when it comes to my macros. (I’m not tracking macros right now, since I’m in maintenance mode, but I am still cognizant on the amount of protein, fat, and carbs at my meal.)

It’s all about finding meals that fit your plan and that you enjoy – high carb, low carb, high fat, low fat – what have you – there’s a meal out there that will taste good to you and fits your plan.

In my boot camps, we share meals, menus, and recipes, which is super helpful to get ideas and inspiration when menu planning. I also send out a sample meal plan each week, in order to help give my clients ideas as to how they can build their meals along the same structure, but to fit their own macros.


I’ve found that after shifting mindsets from victim to in-control — and finding some go-to meals and recipes that my clients enjoy, adherence to their nutrition plan increases tremendously.

Ok, so tell me:

Looking back, when is one time you’ve been caught up in the victim-mindset? (Judgment-free zone here!!)

Question: Wanna work together? I haven’t quiiite yet opened up registration for my next Lean Body training & nutrition online boot camp, but getting on the waitlist ensures that you’ll have first dibs for a spot when sign ups come. Join me by filling out this contact form, and let me know what your goals for the summer are.