Some thoughts and discussions from me.


How Much

Oh, cardio – a form of exercise that’s become highly debatable in the fitness industry ranging from those who say any ounce of cardio will immediately eat away at your muscle to those who say it’s the only way to lose weight.

While the days of touting cardiovascular exercise as supreme are over, and we don’t need as much cardio exercise for fat loss as we once thought we did, it’s still important.

I personally don’t advocate my clients take up distance running for general health – and especially not for fat loss – we do need to incorporate cardiovascular exercise into our routine. I  program in regular cardiovascular sessions – both steady state and interval – to both my and my clients programs. However, the primary focus is on strength training.


Performing cardiovascular exercise, whether it’s walking, sprinting, or cycling, actually has innumerable benefits from basic to complex:

  •  being able to walk for a long distance
  • increasing blood volume in the heart
  • increasing oxygen utilization
  • increasing brain activity and efficiency

Not to mention, cardio does create a calorie deficit for those looking to lose weight. Yes, there can be too much cardio to negate it, but some is good for fat loss.

As I mentioned above, strength training is typically the primary focus of my training programs. However, resistance training builds up and accumulates lactic acid in the muscles. Among the benefits above, cardiovascular exercise works to flush out the lactic waste by increasing blood volume to carry more out of the body.

You can gather all of these benefits with only one or two cardio sessions a week, but I typically recommend a mix of play (hiking, skiing, playing sports, leisure walking) and interval training for best results. Of course, it also depends on your goals. I’m about to ramp up my cardio workouts because hiking season is upon us, and I need to get in 14-er shape 😉 But in the winter – and even now – strength training consists of 85% of my workouts.


If you’re in need of workout ideas, I’m always posting workout videos on my Instagram channel, as well as a once-weekly real time workout on my YouTube channel!

(eta: I always say this, but I’m never one to stop someone from doing what they love, and again, if lots o’ cardio is your style, go fo’ it.)

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What’s your favorite type of cardiovascular exercise?

For more fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle, find me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, + Youtube. Oh, and don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter for exclusive workouts + tips!