Some thoughts and discussions from me.

How’s that for a busy, multi-topic title? That’s kind of how this post is going to go, too. A little bit of everything!

I’m pretty sure Shane and I missed the Cinco de Mayo memo. Wait. No, I take that back. When I gave him the choice of burgers or tacos for dinner, he chose tacos, so there was some festivity involved yesterday:


Seriously though, by yesterday all I wanted to do was catch up on life, catch up on my online client work, catch up on housework, catch up on Housewives, and walk my dog. We partied pretty much all of the days surrounding the fiesta, but left yesterday for church, catch up work, and cleaning. Lately weekend have been jam packed with tons o’ fun, and I absolutely 100% wouldn’t have it any other way. I love the close friends we’ve made and the fun we’re having. But – I also like to have a day to decompress. And I usually like that day to be Sunday. Even if I do have some extra free time on my hands Mon-Fri, I feel like I need to be super productive at least 8 hours of those days in order to feel like a society-contributing human being.

So yah. We split out cinco de mayo fun into tres, quarto, and seis de mayo (because of food truck festival tonight!)

In fact, I even turned down a hike invite to get ish done – a rarity for me! It hurt a little to say no, too, especially because it was this hike


Royal Arch! One of my faves. Soon enough. All is well anyway, because I got my fair share of hiking in with my buddies, Lauren and Natalie on Saturday.


Us at the summit, woop woop!

Lauren’s hubby, Greg, had never hiked Mount Sanitas before, so we headed back to do the beautiful, rocky, 3.2 mile hike. It’s one of my favorites, and I always spot something new, so I was perfectly happy hiking here Open-mouthed smile



I have a weird affinity for fallen trees.

We went the opposite way (it’s a loop) than I usually do, and it really made the time just speed by! That, plus I think Lauren, Nat, and I were chatting nonstop. I love getting together with other bloggers because we already have so much in common and so much to talk about! When we finished the loop, the fun continued at Boulder’s Farmer’s Market.


I’d actually never been before, and now I’m not quite sure why. It was HUGE! I got some farm fresh eggs, some supposedly extra sweet spinach, and lunch, which was a pupusa, which I got because the name sounded much more fun than tamale, which turned out to be the best thing I’d ever eaten, which I did not snap a picture of because I inhaled it at this point. I did, however, snap a picture of us girls just hanging out in the park enjoying our mountain view picnic.


Actually, Collin, Natalie’s husband snapped the picture. I just cheesed.

We parted ways and I came home to get ready for the second part of the day’s festivities. Shane and I met our buddies, David and Katie at our favorite place, Comida for dinner before going to see Iron Man 3. This was only about 3 hours after lunch, but David and I ended up splitting the chicken dinner, which was HUGE and seriously delicious. Then we all got tres leche for dessert:


See? More pre-cinco de mayo celebrations. Shane and I split this, and we were going spoon to spoon for those last couple bites. I swear, even if I have no interest in dessert, give me something to share with someone and all of the sudden I turn into a fiend. Then we grabbed another friend and saw Iron Man 3 in IMAX 3D, which was really cool. The movie was super good – much better than I thought – and I actually liked the 3D part of it this time. Usually it gives me a headache.

I took yesterday off for any and all exercise, save a leisurely walk with Niko. With boot camp Friday, and the hike yesterday, it was welcomed. I’d originally planned on going to yoga, but my shoulder has really been bothering me lately. It’s an old volleyball injury that I flared up by doing too many push ups while teaching a group ex class (I think) and it’s just not getting better. A call to a physical therapist/chiropractor is on the agenda today…

I was going to list out my May Goals for the month, but I think I’ll leave that for tomorrow. This post is getting a wee bit rambly. Have a great Monday, guys!

How much ME time do you typically require?

Did you partake in Cinco de Mayo celebrations?