Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Good morning!

I started this morning off the way I do every morning – with a mug of coffee and some bible time:


Since it’s so nice out (and so flipping light out so early here) I’ve been doing this little ritual on one of our patios. I love getting some early morning sunlight, and actually just read that it’s really beneficial for good sleep! Apparently it’s good to go outside and be exposed to sunlight as soon as you wake up – it jump starts the “wake cycle” thusly allowing the body to slip right into the sleep cycle when the sun goes down (which is also really late here!)

Either way – I love being outside before everyone else gets up and gets going Smile


So does Niko Winking smile

So it’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a post of all of my current favorite things -  I’ve got a lot of them right now. Wednesday’s vlog got me on a vlog kick, so I decided to make a silly little video of all of my favorite things – Fitness, Food, Beauty, and Booze edition. It gets a little silly, be warned!

But before we dive into that, I wanted to share a bit of my week with you guys. It’s been such a great week – client and fun-wise. Almost a good balance (I’m still trying to build up my client-base in the gym.) I had the day off on Wednesday from most work, and made the most of every minute! I also slept the best I’ve slept in well over a week the night before. 8.5 glorious hours.

After waking up and getting a little work done (sending emails to clients/potential clients, creating boot camp fliers, etc) I got ready and headed to down to Gregory Canyon off of Baseline to meet Lauren for a hike:

I love hiking with Lauren because we share the appreciation for a good balance of chatting it up and stopping to take in the views.


And taking selfies Smile

Along the way, during our 1.5 hr hike, we each stopped to point out a particularly breath-taking view a couple times each.


Because, seriously. (see my recap with details of Gregory Canyon here!)

The rest of the week has included lots of yoga, walks with friends, training clients – old and new – and finally seeing my long lost love. Shane has been traveling for work (he got a new job, which is based in Los Angeles) and over the past two weeks, we’ve only seen each other once. When I got back from Blend, he was heading back out to LA (he had gotten back after I had left on Friday) and our gates were right next to each other! So we hung out for like an hour in the airport lol.

So, back to the favorite things Friday! Here’s a goofy video I made yesterday, of all of my favorite things/current obsessions/what I’m loving lately:

{goof ball alert!!!)

So back to those questions –

Have you ever been indoor rock climbing? Where and what level?

What’s your favorite body lotion?