Some thoughts and discussions from me.

You guys. Before we get into today’s post, I have to tell ya’ll about my travel day I had on Monday. It was a very nice day in Illinois – upper 60’s, sunny, and warm. I even went for a late morning walk with my mom before driving to the airport!


Good times Smile

Then around 3:00 we headed back to Normal to catch my flight. Want to hear what I had going against me on this travel day?

  • My flight way delayed
  • There was a blizzard warning in Boulder County starting right when my plane was supposed to land (8-14 inches of snow…NBD!)
  • I had no idea where I parked my car at Denver International Airport (blonde moment)
  • I had to drive home in a blizzard


Fortunately, aside from a flight that felt like a roller coaster and subsequently coming thisclose to ralphing in my purse, spending only 15 minutes looking for my car (I chose the right lot!!!) and driving home in sleet and insane winds, I made it home before midnight and in one piece. That’s all I could ask for.

Then yesterday I spent the day cleaning and training. However, I wasn’t able to get to the grocery store, and when I came back home the kitchen was bare! That’s the problem with leaving for a trip before the weekend and getting back after it – ya skip grocery shopping day! (At least I do.) So today’s edition of What I Ate Wednesday includes eating whatever I could find in the cabinet and fridge for the day.

Breakfast – 7:45 a.m.


When I got home around midnight the night before, I inhaled a piece of toast with coconut butter along with a banana and almond butter before passing out. So when I woke up I wasn’t too hungry for breakfast. Plus, we had about zero breakfast foods. However, I did have a hard boiled egg in the fridge, so I built on that. I had the last slice of toast the night before, so I made a little muffin concoction out of almond meal, butter, an egg, and some baking soda, sliced it in half, and stuffed it with the egg and some avocado.


Surprisingly, this was SO delicious! Love those accidental delights Winking smile I also had my morning vitamins alongside – I missed them all weekend while I was gone!

I didn’t have to train until afternoon yesterday, so I took Shane to the dealership and then headed to a yoga class. Unfortunately, the snow started heavily falling, and it scared me, so I turned around and came right back home. Instead of yoga-ing, I cleaned the entire house and did some laundry. It needed it!

Lunch – noon


An evol burrito I pulled out of the freezer. I love these things! They make great tasty lunches when there’s nothing else in the house Smile

But it only filled me up for a couple hours (it’s a small burrito if you ask me) so I had a snack a little later before heading into the gym to train my clients.

Snack – 2:30


Like every other meal, there wasn’t much in the way of of food selection for snacking, so I rolled up some avocado in a few pieces of turkey. Then I called it good after splitting a bag of Popchips with Shane.


PS – note the color on my nails! Now remember it, because surely it will be the last time in a looong time before it happens again. My mom was so kind to treat me to a manicure while I was visiting home. I feel so girly and pretty! I love having my nails look all pretty, but they’ll likely be chipped by the end of the day. I’ve been perusing Lauren’s jamberry shop, though, which seem like they’d last much longer than a manicure!

After snacking I headed to the gym to train a few clients. I also got in a little treadmill walking and did a few chin ups. They’re my favorite resistance exercise of the moment Open-mouthed smile

Dinner – 6:45 p.m.


We had some jalapeño chicken sausage in the fridge, along with some frozen spinach and butternut. So I heated up some butter in the skillet, and then threw everyone in the pan to heat up. I also added salt, pepper, garlic powder, and cayenne. It turned out really tasty! I went back for seconds.

Dessert – 9:00 p.m.


Low calorie, low sugar, fat free protein ice shake!

Just kidding. It’s really this stuff.


Full fat, full flavor. When it comes to ice cream, I need the real deal! Anybody with me? Actually, I prefer most of my foods to be…real.

And tomorrow shall include a trip to the grocery store, since the only thing here for breakfast is…leftovers from last night’s dinner, haha Winking smile

What are some of your go-to meals when your cabinets are bare?