Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Good morning!

I’m finally starting to get back in the swing of things this week. After a week full of family and fun – and basically eating every single meal out, it’s been a bit of an adjustment to go back to the real world. This week has involved lots of training, teaching classes, computer work and – you guessed it – cooking.

Well, sort of. I’ve definitely been utilizing leftovers Winking smile

Today we’re going to talk about yesterday’s eats. Tuesday was a busy day, and it started when I woke up at 6:15 to my alarm, to head into the gym to teach a core class and train a client. At this hour, I just wasn’t hungry. That probably had something to do with my nighttime snack meal the night before – cookies, banana, almond butter, and coconut milk. Oops. Hey, it’s hard to shake the sweets when you’ve had dessert for the past week or so. I’m working on it!

Anyway, I passed on the early breakfast, taught my 7:30 a.m.core class, and then trained a client. By the time I got home at 10:00, I was ravenous!


3 eggs cooked in coconut oil, with kale and mushrooms and sauerkraut fixed that right up.

Plus several spoonfuls of coconut butter as I was cleaning up the dishes.


So delicious.

After breakfast, I had to book it to my other gym to train another client. I was going to hit up a hot yoga class afterward, but still felt so full from breakfast, so I decided to wait until later. Instead, I walked Niko (it was a gorgeous sunny day!) and then came inside for lunch a little after 2:00. I wasn’t too hungry since I’d just eaten a big meal 4 hours before, so I kept it light with some fish and leftover cabbage.


My, my – that just does not sounds appetizing. It tasted OK, honestly. Did the job as a lunch meal. I also had a bag of Popchips, which were delicious.


(don’t forget to enter my Popchips and Slim for Life giveaway!)

Also, throughout the day I consumed three mugs of this tea:


And a cup of coffee. I’m back on the coffee, and have put off my plans to quit coffee for an undetermined amount of time. Life just kinda sucks without it (or at least mornings Winking smile haha)

After lunch, I cleaned up, trained another client at the gym by my house, taught a quick class, and then took that yoga class. It was a 6:15-7:15, which is a little late for me. I like to be home by 7:00, and watching shows to wind down the rest of the night. But I really had a yoga craving, so I hit up corepower, and I’m glad I did. What a great class!


Starving again when I got home at 7:45, I scarfed down some microwaved dinner:


Leftovers from Monday night – microwaved chicken stirfry w/ a microwaved sweet potato, topped with butter, and salt. I love that combination on sweet potatoes, and never top them with anything else because butter and salt is just so damn tasty! Smile I went back for seconds of both.

Is it sad that at this point I still hadn’t taken a shower? (life as a trainer) After dinner I headed upstairs and took an epsom salt bath with a lucious glass of Malbec, followed by a shower, and then some TV and a macaroon.


Ahhh. At the end of the day, life is good.

Do you like to be home by a certain time range during the work week?