Some thoughts and discussions from me.

The stability ball gets discounted as a beginner tool way too often in my opinion. While yes, it is a great tool that I use when training clients who are new to lifting, it makes an appearance when I’m training my most advanced clients, too.

I mean, hello single leg supine hip extension leg curls (say that 5 times fast!)

Yeah, that’s a grimace, not a smile 😉

I just kicked off an online boot camp, and my ladies are already kil-ling it. It’s primarily a dumbbells program, but it’s semi-customized, so those who have access to different tools are able to use them here and there in their workouts. Enter: the stability ball.

Most of my training clients seem to have a stability ball at home, and while it collects dust for most, it can be brought out of the wood work to really kick your workouts up a notch.

Home Workout: Super Strong Stability Ball Routine

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1. Single Leg Supine Hip Extension Leg Curls (aka – Single Leg SHELCs) – these are deceivingly hard, and can be done with both legs if need be. Set yourself up so your ankles are resting on the ball and your arms are out to the sides. Push your hips up in the air, and lift one leg off of the ball while squeezing your glutes and bracing the core. Using the hamstring, bring the heel toward your hips. Pause, and return to start.

2. Decline Push Ups: In a push up position with your feet on the ball and your hands slightly wider than your shoulders, lower your chest toward the ground, allowing your elbows to flare out at about 45 degrees from the rib cage.

3. Stir the Pot: I loooove this one. In a forearm plank position with your forearms on the ball, lift up out of you shoulders and hold a plank. Now make tiny circles in one direction, then switch.

4. Stability Ball Pike: This one is killer for the abs. In your decline push up position, contract the abs to bring the toes on to the ball, piking the hips up in the air. Hold for a beat, and then return back to starting in a controlled fashion.

5. Supine Stability Ball Pass and Jackknife: In a supine position, hold the ball in your arms, with it behind your head, and your feet about a third of the way to the floor. Keep your low back pressed to the ground as you pass the ball from your hands to your ankles. Repeat.

Again, this workout includes some moves that require incredible lumbo-pelvic stability, so make sure your hips, glutes, and abs are held tight the entire time!

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Have a wonderful day! XOX

If you enjoyed this workout, make sure you check out Body Weight Burn, my 12-week, 84-page program to create a strong, lean physique at home! You can also jump on my newsletter for exclusive weekly inspiration, workouts, and tips!