Some thoughts and discussions from me.

g o o d n e s s  i n  o n e  h i t

Yes, the title of this post blunt and to the point, and actually even not very my-style. However, it is without a doubt the number 1 request and question right now that I’m receiving as a trainer and coach.

Instead of sounding like a broken record to myself, I thought I’d write a little blog post about it, so that I can just hand everyone over a link 🙂

And before I go any further, it is not by adding in additional core work. Personally, I include two ab exercises in my own workouts at one set each – that’s minimal. For clients the very most I’ll include is 3 core exercises at 2-3 sets each.

Why? Well, let’s talk about biceps for a minute. What happens when you’re constantly doing lots of volume training with biceps curls variations? Your biceps muscles grow. They don’t “flatten out” – they grow. The same thing happens when include a high amount of volume for core work in our workouts. Our abs grow. This is fine if that’s the goal. But if your goal is to lose belly fat, then adding more ab work isn’t necessarily conducive to your goals.

What is?

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7 Ways to Lose Belly Fat

1.Get your diet right.

Nutrition is the biggest component when it comes to losing weight – especially around the mid-section. Whether you’re counting grams or calories, using portion control, or just trying to eat better and less, work with a certified nutritionist to make sure you’re eating properly to hit your goals.


While there are many, many intricacies and factors involved (that we’ll save for another post on another day ;),) and better ways of going about it than some, if fat loss is your goal, the name of the game 90% of the time is calories in, calories out.

2. Make sure your hormones are in check.

Notice I said 90% of the time above. Part of that other 10% could have to do with hormones. If you suspect your metabolism is truly compromised, please seek out an endocrinologist or hormone specialist to get your thyroid tested.

Additionally, our metabolism naturally slows down or speeds up, based on how much we’re eating. Our bodies love this thing called “homeostasis.” When homeostasis is disrupted, via either eating more calories than we burn or less calories than we burn, our body works in crazy ways to get back to that baseline. There have actually been multiple studies that suggest we instinctively move more – naturally – when we’re consuming more than we burn. Our NEAT increases exponentially! On the flip side, things tend to slow down when we’re consuming less calories than we burn. 

3. Lift weights.


And lift them regularly. Not only does lifting weights lead to an increase in lean muscle mass, and thusly an increase in metabolism, but it also increases testosterone, which could be helpful in reducing belly fat.

4. Add in sprints (or HIIT.)

This can either be done on the track, treadmill, bike, or stair climber (my personal favorite.) Start with a :60 on :30 off ratio, then move to :30 on :30 off (increasing intensity during the ON period,) and finally :30 on :60 off (increasing intensity even more. If you’re new to sprint or interval training, start with 1 time a week, and then add 1-2 more days over time.


Sprinting is not only a killer belly fat shredder, but it’s also a legitimately great core workout. In order to have the power to sprint, a strong core is a necessity. Of course, if sprinting hurts your knees or joints, stick to the bike. Additionally, for individuals who are obese or brand new to cardiovascular exercise, start with the bike,

5. Decrease or getting rid of high processed and high sugar food from your diet.

This type of food tends to cause inflammation and bloating, which can cause your stomach region to look larger than it is because of water weight/bloat and possible inflammation. Decrease foods that are highly processed (come from a bag or box, typically) and those super sugary snacks to see some difference.

6. Decrease the stress in your life.

A high stress lifestyle is the prime environment for high cortisol, and high levels of cortisol can cause higher levels of belly fat. Cortisol can become chronically high especially for those living with chronically high stress levels.


As we know, there are many types of stress, all which affect the body in the same way. If your work life is stressful, and that stress is out of your control, decrease stress in other areas of life: don’t kill yourself in the gym every time. try and make your home environment as peaceful as possible. Add in de-stressing activities into your day, such as leisure walks, drinking herbal tea, taking mineral salt baths, or just meditating or reading some fiction. And here’s a biggie: get enough sleep! 7-9 hours a night.

7. Drink plenty of water.

Aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water each day to ensure your body is properly hydrated. This will help balance your hunger levels, shed water weight, and help your body burn fat as it’s supposed to.

Bottom line is this: reducing belly fat or “seeing your abs” is predominantly a nutrition issue. Secondary to nutrition is training, and then lifestyle. Nutrition + training + lifestyle is the flat stomach trifecta!

Actually, I retract that. This is my bottom, bottom line: proper nutrition + training + lifestyle will get you a flat stomach, but please remember a super flat stomach or 6 pack abs is not always an indicator of good health, nor is it the end all be all. Of course, excess belly fat is unhealthy for the heart, but I can tell you I’m no happier when my abs are rock hard than I am when I’m feeling a little soft, either. I encourage you to eat, train, and live to be healthy, but also to enjoy the heck out of life 🙂

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