Some thoughts and discussions from me.


4 Things to Consider Before Making Changes to Your Diet

If you’ve ever jumped into a brand new nutrition plan – making changes to your diet, only for it to leave you frustrated, overwhelmed, and feeling like crap…

a) you’re not alone, and
b) let’s talk about some things to consider before making nutritional changes next time.

I’ve often had clients join my programs who have tried other nutrition or training programs in the past. However, the experiences they’ve had either left them feeling restricted or burned out…or left them without results.

While the plan itself might not be inherently bad, it may have been unrealistic to sustain long term, not customized enough, or too restrictive.

The next time you find yourself wanting to make changes to your nutrition (or training, for that matter,) make sure to consider the following factors to ensure these changes will work for YOU.

4 Things to Consider before Making Changes to Your Diet


#1. Is it restrictive/Does it place your favorite foods off limits?

If a plan feels restrictive, or if it forces you to give up some of your favorite foods, the chances of it bringing you results are slim. Or perhaps you label yourself an all-or-nothing type of person. In this case, these plans do tend to workbut never long term. 

4 Things to Consider Before Making Changes to Your Diet

If you enjoy a bowl of oatmeal or a piece of toast on a daily basis, and a plan restricts you from eating this food, it might not be the best idea to jump into it.

Now, I may be bias, because I’m a firm believer of placing NO foods off limits, but instead, educating of what food/food groups is a good idea to eat at certain times, and how much, depending on the training day. However, I believe no food is inherently good or bad, it’s just when to eat it, and how much.


#2. Will it make you miserable (or anxious?)

If a client ever feels anxious after making some changes with nutrition on my plans we make some adjustments – pronto. One of my philosophies is that you should never feel like you’re white-knuckling it through a program. It should have some air of ease, and aside from the learning curve in the beginning, there shouldn’t be any added anxiety from food. It is just food, after all.

If a program requires you to eat 6 times a day – or not eat at all some days (yes, there are programs out there like this!) and that leaves you obsessing about food — or miserable, that program is not for you.


#3. Is it individualized to you?

This one is a big one. Yes, there are cookie cutter plans out there that produce results. However, there’s only so far you can go with a one-size-fits-all program. Even if it gives you a calculator to figure out your intake or macros, online calculators can only factor in so much about you and your life. They don’t factor in your lifestyle, eating habits, preference, schedules, motivation to achieve said goal, etc.

Finding a program that’s customized to you and your lifestyle will help produce more long-term results that you can sustain. Not to mention, you’ll probably feel a lot better!

My one-on-one clients go through a comprehensive consultation and questionnaire, but even my Lean Body Boot Camp clients get individualized macros based on life factors, with scheduled periodic adjustments — and adjustments as needed.


#4. Do you have an open mind?

Change can be a scary thing, and requires an open mind and positive attitude in order to be successful. In my experience, a closed mind, negative attitude, and fear-based mindset are the biggest killers of progress and results.

If you decide to make some changes with your nutrition, have an agreement with yourself to go in with an open mind, committing to the changes you’re making, instead of going in half-committed. I promise that not only will you have a more positive experience, but you’ll see and feel better progress through the program.


If you’re looking to make some positive changes to your nutrition (and training) in order to look and feel your best this summer, I would love to work with you in my Lean Body training & nutrition boot camp. My clients see results that stick — while decreasing sugar cravings, increasing meal satisfaction, and having more energy.

You can sign up or learn more here for my next round that starts March 20th — spots are filling up quickly!!