Some thoughts and discussions from me.

Good morning, friends! This morning I am very excited to announce that I’m opening up sign ups for my October online boot camp.

YTP (3)

This week is officially fall, which means that transitional period that leads to a busy and up-in-the-air schedule that comes with the seasons is starting to settle. It’s a perfect time to focus inward and prioritize your health, fitness, and nutrition goals.


This boot camp is an 8-week program for those who are interested in losing body fat, gaining muscle, and most importantly, implementing a fitness routine and training program you can get excited about, and nutrition and lifestyle practices you can implement into your daily life. The training will be primarily strength training, HIIT, and intervals, with 5 workouts a week.


I’m only accepting 10 women into this program, but since the sign ups for my last boot camp filled up quickly, several of you contacted me to secure your spot, so as I’m writing this, there’s now only SEVEN spots left!!  If you’re interested in joining me for eight weeks of workouts, nutrition, and lifestyle coaching beginning October 5th, you can sign up HERE – or fill out the application below to see if it’d be a good fit for you and your goals.



“I am having SO MUCH FUN on this bootcamp! About 50% of the time, I really dread doing the workout, wanting to go home and be lazy instead. But always after the workouts, I feel so great…like I’m doing good, positive things for myself. I’m noticing good progress as well, so this is very motivating to continue! My legs and arms seem more toned, and when I was doing those single-legged deadlifts, my legs looked so strong!” – Mary L.


What’s included:


8-week training program with new weekly (1)


“I tend to get bored easily, but there is NO way I can do that with this plan! I felt like each day’s workout was perfect for that day. I’m also loving the mix of cardio/HIIT/ weights. I don’t feel like I’m doing too much of one thing.” – Erika R.


 “I am so happy you had me take measurements.  I lost 2 inches in waist and 1 inch in thighs [after two weeks!] So after seeing that I was very happy!” – Suzanne A.


This boot camp will start October 5th and run 8 weeks. There’s only 7 spots left – so sign up HERE if you’re ready, or fill out the application form by clicking here, and I’ll contact you to see if we’d be a good fit to work together.



Things are going great. I have been able to increase my weight on the deadlifts, which feels awesome. I am totally feeling stronger in my hamstrings/glutes which has been a HUGE win for me. I got my body fat checked my a trainer at the gym, and I am a strong 14.5 percent, which feels really good to me. Energy is high, and I am really loving the workouts. – Bridget G.


The boot camp startsOctober 5th, and I would LOVE for you to join. It’s 8-weeks and includes 5 workouts a week, an individual initial consultation, nutritional guidance, your own boot camp platform/dashboard, and access to the private community. It’ll be tough – but for all fitness levels – but I’m offering a money back results-guaranteed. I’m looking forward to chatting with you to see if you’d be a good fit! XO